Life Support
A lifecoach seems to be this year’s must-have accessory. Here, Victoria Mills provides a few words of wisdom on getting your life on track. How many excuses did you use last year that prevented you from achieving your goals and desires? When a new year comes we can often trick ourselves into thinking that this… Read more.

You Time
How to get more ‘you time’ What your relationship with time says about you Time is the most over-used excuse yet the most underutilised tool. Time is a very fascinating thing since it is something that controls our life if we don’t create a healthy relationship with it. So many of us hate time and resent… Read more.

Letting go of anger
Justified or not, your anger ultimately hurts you the most Life will always bring us opportunities to grow. The more we resist these opportunities the greater resistance we feel within ourselves and in our daily life. When we experience conflict or traumatic situations that result in feelings of anger, hurt and sadness, it can be… Read more.

10 success questions
Think that success means making lots of money? Think again. Real success comes from the quality of your relationships and the emotions that you experience each day. That’s where these 10 quick effective questions come in. Ask them at the end of each day and I absolutely guarantee that you’ll become more successful. 1. Have I… Read more.

10 ways to reboot your confidence
In following this step-by-step plan of how to reboot your self-esteem, you may be surprised at the many positive benefits! These steps will not only boost your inner confidence, it will increase your energy levels, give you greater clarity of mind, plus provide a deeper knowing of who you are, it will nourish your body,… Read more.

Start living the life you’ve always wanted
Having trouble staying on track and accountable? Make up a list of daily questions you want to ask yourself to help you stay on track. The process is incredibly simple and easy. Each question has to be answered with a yes, no, or a number. Record the results on an Excel spreadsheet and at the… Read more.

Map your life and goals
A goal helps you get clear on what changes you want to make in your life and create a strategic pathway and building blocks to unlock your true potential. A goal inspires you to achieve more and become more motivated to sustain focus to achieve. I have a favorite saying: ‘If you don’t take control of… Read more.

Energise your day!
Having trouble staying on track and accountable? Make up a list of daily questions you want to ask yourself to help you stay on track. The process is incredibly simple and easy. Each question has to be answered with a yes, no, or a number. Record the results on an Excel spreadsheet and at the… Read more.

Find your core values
We are now in WEEK 2 of Rebooting your life, well done for completing last week’s action steps! This week’s topic of ‘Lift Your Life’ is focused on determining your values and giving them a reboot. Any feedback? Please post underneath this week’s blog and I will respond! By now you will have: – Completed… Read more.

Building your Self Esteem
Are you feeling self-conscious, shy, inferior or just plain down? If you answered yes, you’re definitely not alone. Try this step-by-step self-esteem-boosting plan created by lifecoach Victoria Mills for a more confident you! This plan will not only boost your confidence, it will increase your energy levels, give you greater clarity of mind, plus provide… Read more.
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