Dare to Dream
Turn your dreams into reality. Lifecoach Victoria Mills shows you how in seven easy steps. We live in a time of great choice with many options in front of us, and sometimes we become distracted from what our hearts truly desire. Living life the way you want instead of being on the society treadmill can… Read more.

The ABC’s of letting go!
Sometimes letting go of past relationships can seem like an enormous battle. Yet amidst all the heartache, it can be done. Victoria Mills shows you how to create a fresh start. So it’s been over for a while. You’ve tried your best not to ring him or see him. Perhaps you’ve done the opposite, and sought him… Read more.

The Pain of Miscarriage
For many women, the aftermath of a miscarriage can be a lonely, desperate time. But as personal coach Victoria Mills explains, there are ways to heal the pain It’s estimated that over 20 per cent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, with many women not even aware they were pregnant to begin with. Miscarriage in… Read more.

Return to Love
Struggling to find time for togetherness? Here are some ideas to bring you closer as a couple. Couple time for me is made up of various ingredients, such as being present, listening to one another, loving and accepting each other, loving unconditionally and being in alignment with one another. Couple time can also be made… Read more.

Maximise your time
Are you living your life, or is life happening to you? Take back control and direction within your life. This powerful 3-day retreat Aug 24-26th provides an all-encompassing experience. The retreat is designed to help you create a compelling life by getting behind the why—the reasons and meanings behind why you have not followed through… Read more.

The waterfall concept
The Waterfall Concept refers to the fact that people who are happy – people who love their lives – are in the flow. It’s impossible to tell you how the flow feels if you have not felt it. Once you have felt it though – once you have lived it – you will know exactly… Read more.

12 Powerful wealth quotes
Master your financial thoughts and you will master your financial destiny. Something for nothing and nothing for something is an illusion. Anything that does not fulfill it’s purpose will self-destruct, from relationship to a company to a life. Money flows to those who demonstrate that they can manage it, and flees from those who don’t…. Read more.
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